Friday, February 5, 2016

American Indian Youth Literature Award

Books that feature FNMI writing and illustrating

Although these titles often fit an American context more than a Canadian one, there are some good titles to explore. (The 2016 list is here.)

"The American Indian Youth Literature Awards are presented every two years. The awards were established as a way to identify and honor the very best writing and illustrations by and about American Indians. Books selected to receive the award will present American Indians in the fullness of their humanity in the present and past contexts."


Thursday, February 4, 2016

Micmac News - Beaton Institute Digital Archives

An important example of Mi'kmaw print culture
"The Micmac News (1965-1991) is an important example of Mi'kmaw print culture... This invaluable research tool covers historical and contemporary issues and events, including Aboriginal rights cases, social and labour history, material and intangible culture, and celebrations of Mi'kmaw life. The newspaper provides a means of language preservation; prayers and myths were printed in the paper, and simple language lessons in Mi'kmaq were also a regular feature."


Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Mi'kmaq artifacts at MOA

Images from L'nuk culture

Beautiful photographs of Mi'kmaq artifacts online at the BC Museum of Anthropology. View close-ups to explore the colours and designs.


Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Bannock: A brief history

Light, fluffy and golden brown - delicious!
"The Inuit call it 'palauga,' it's 'luskinikn' to the Mi'kmaq, while the Ojibway call it 'ba`wezhiganag.' Whatever they call it... just about every indigenous nation across North America has some version of bannock. ... Nancy Turner, a professor ... at the University of Victoria, says indigenous people already had their own version made from a wild plant called camas. The camas bulb would have been baked for long periods of time, dried and then flattened or chopped and formed into cakes and loaves, similar to modern bannock."


Monday, February 1, 2016

17 Ways to Promote Culturally Aware Classrooms

Include and preserve FNMI cultures in our classrooms
"First Nations, Metis & Inuit peoples are THE fastest growing populations in Canada! This has many implications for our Education systems. The FNMI peoples are also incredibly diverse, both linguistically and culturally. There are literally hundreds of different First Nations and Aboriginal populations, therefore, we as Educators are faced with many challenges with regards to how we can adequately include and preserve these cultures in our classrooms."
